Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We can't get enough.....

This April Johns has the opportunity to go to Jacksonville for 2 weeks for training. We cannot pass up the opportunity of a free plane ticket and a vacation to Disney World. So, on April 30th, I will be flying out to meet up with Johns and then we will drive down to Orlando for a week. We are excited to go! We will also be there for 4 days with his parents, 2 sisters and 2 bils and our niece so that will be a lot of fun.

The 2 weeks that he will be gone are going to be TERRIBLE!!!!! We have not been apart for more than 3 days since we got married, sappy I know but I am going to miss him!

While we are there Epcot is going to have the International Flower & Garden Festival which looks to be amazing! Johns is going to go crazy with taking pictures, which of course I will post as soon as we get back!
