Friday, May 23, 2008


OK, so my great husband is NOT a big guy. This past week he decided that, for a good cause, he would dress up in SUMO costume (diaper - so it is not a real big diaper but you know, hair and all) and wrestle his boss!

But first things first - there were a few other people that had put on the Sumo suit before him so he broke out the Lysol to "clean" the suit before he put it on.....

Then there was the task of putting the suit on! I think that it weighed more than he does!

Put your game face on!
Ready - FIGHT!

Now I will give him that he did get the "bigger" suit but it was so funny that you could not even see his feet! It was really a fun day and our work was able to raise a lot of money for the March of Dimes.

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