Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So as I told Johns last night I can tolerate and deal with a lot of things but I CANNOT tolerate or deal with SNAKES!!! I was mowing our forest that I sometimes like to call our yard (today I call it a yard yesterday I had some other words for it and our lawn mower - UGH!) I was putting the rain gutter extension back on and noticed that there were a few rocks from the roof in it. When this happens no big deal I just drop them in the window wells around the house. Last night as I was tipping the rocks in I noticed that the "stick" in the bottom of the window well MOVED! I nearly freaked out! I remained calm as I walked up to the back door opened it to where Johns and his sister were sitting and informed him the whole "I can tolerate and deal with a lot of things...." speech. His response "What do you want me to do"....My response "I want you to get the shovel and KILL IT!!!!!"

My hero came out and killed the HUGE 2 foot snake - after about 50 jabs at it because the stupid thing kept moving around....Oh my gosh could that be any worse!


Winter Family said...


Ry and Xaine said...

Totally busting a gut. Now your IM really fits. Take it you won't be checking out the reptile show in Orlando.. LOL

Shanda J said...

Um that would be a big NO to the reptile show in Orlando! Thanks for the suggestion though...