Monday, February 8, 2010

What is important?

Yesterday I found a blog of a little boy that is holding on to life after drowning in their family bathtub. Something that could happen to anyone of us, just a split second of turning your head and the lives of your entire family change. As I read this blog my heart was very heavy and sad for this tragic accident. However, as I read it I am amazed at the faith that this mother and father are displaying in this trying time. The mother wrote:
Faith can not grow where fear is allowed to dwell.
There is not room in my heart for both.
Fear is the paralyzing agent of the adversary.
A first line of his defense. And so I made a choice.
I must choose faith. Choose to believe. Despite the odds.
Despite the grim news. Despite the reality before us.
No matter how vulnerable and unguarded I let myself become,
I will not, I can not fear.
She will not allow this trying time in her life to sway her faith in our Father in Heaven and his plan for each of us.
As I have thought about this I have thought about things that Johns and I have been going through and the trials that we have been faced with and the fear of the "what ifs" and decided that I need to fully rely on my faith and believe in the plan that our Father in Heaven has for us, and not fear of what might happen. I have so much to be thankful for, I have a great husband, a great family, great friends, a great life, a good job and so much more! I have the faith that I need and will not fear what is going to happen.

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